Friday, October 26, 2007

Regular Iranians

Like Iraqis, Iranians have done nothing to deserve this. The State Department wants to impose harsh sanctions now, similar to those imposed against Iraqis when Saddam was in power, which only served to punish by starvation, regular Iranians.

The Bush Axis of Evil Doctrine holds that if you starve innocent people by way of sanctions, in places like North Korea, Iraq, and now, Iran, they'll rise up, overthrow their governments and establish democracies with U.S. support. The problem with that is, as with Reagan's Iran-Contra Doctrine, Iraq and Iran are probably not quite in the same category as North Korea in that they control a great portion of the world's petroleum, that multinational oil service conglomerates wish to control. In terms of Reagan's Iran-Contra Doctrine, Nicaragua, as Korea to the Bush Doctrine, which involves using 9/11 - this generation's Gulf of Tonkin - and which should have been stopped, as pretext to invade Iraq, was the odd man out.

BTW: Iran-Contra is one the main reasons the U.S. has such trouble with the U.N., something most Americans fail to recognize but was documented by Hillary Clinton in her CodePink video in which she rationalized her Iraq War vote on the basis of Bosnia.

Oil prices hit $92 a barrel yesterday, which means that they are not far away from the pump and I read that Halliburton will be establishing a presence in Dubai, which is attempting to purchase 20% of the NASDAQ, but was caught by customs recently attempting to ship nuclear triggers to Islamabad, thereby jeopardizing the deal.

So yes, your very own Dick Cheney is, once again, at the center of a controversy, this time, a nuclear controversy, while Condi testified on Capitol Hill yesterday.

Is Dick, former Senate President, aiding the enemy ? Should the State Department categorize Dubai as an enemy after it misled customs inspectors about intercepted nuclear triggers ? Is Dick aiding Islamabad in the development of WOMDs - not sarin gas, but actual nuclear weapons ?

Iranians have done nothing to deserve this. I wonder when the world may awake to ponder the question of genocide. The Lancet did report last year that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis had died or been killed as a direct result of this illegal war and occupation.

How is bombing Iran supposed to stabilize Iraq, how is it justified, and what about the Security Council ? Is this going to be yet another foray into the unilateral, as if the current one had not been unpopular enough ?

If General B-U is going to accuse Iranians of supplying weapons to Iraqi insurgents, can he, at least, unlike General I-can't-remember-what-the-Powell-Doctrine-said Powell, produce some evidence ? Can General BU please demonstrate some measure of respect for International Law now that innocent Iraqis have been butchered for no reason, tortured, raped and brutalized ?

The whole thing is hideous.

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