Thursday, October 25, 2007

Americans Would Benefit From Another 9/11 ?

Another 9/11 would bring us together ? That's the neo, neothink. Pathetic, vulgar, repulsive as it may be.

It was the legendary Social Theorist Jean Baudrillard who was attacked in the media for suggesting that it was exactly that which led to 9/11: not complacency, but a twisted rationale that would serve as plausible pretext for an invasion of Iraq, a plundering of Iraqi oil and, of all things, sex torture so insidious it could not fail to violate Geneva in the worst imaginable way.

One of the ideas Scott Horton suggests is that President Clinton actually supported bin Laden and the mujahadeen in Bosnia and that there were no mass graves in Kosovo. Scott claims that Hillary Clinton brags about having cajoled Bill into bombing Bosnia which obviously involved Madelaine Albright, a Putin favorite, as well.

Scott's story is confirmed by Hillary's CodePink meeting ( posted at YouTube ), in which she again, rationalized the Bosnia incursion on the basis that the U.N. would simply not do anything. It's not as if Bosnia was Rwanda and one has to wonder why Shrub himself was against it if not because he knew that Osama was fighting there and would attack the U.S., which lends credibility to the neo-rationale that not only will we be attacked again, but we need to be attacked because war unites us. It also lends credibility to Baudrillard.

Here's the fascinating Scott Horton antiwar radio piece.

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